Playful Mafia has been spending 2 nights at my place. Frolicsome as ever, he always put a smile on my face even when I am in low spirits. It's nice waking up to him sprawling across to me, the urge to play once he sees me opening my eyes. I've took him out for 2 walks n baths, happy boy! Can't get enough of him. He's a nice and good puppy, even when the gate is open he won't dash out. Once or twice, he did - but he came back eventually, after a few steps... My family loves him a lot, and he prolly does too because each time someone comes home, he would jump so much and lick them all around, before yearning to play again. And when they were heading out, he would see them off at the gate, looking so melancholic. Aww. Both mornings, I would be disturbed by his constant barking. Turned out he wanted to get out of the room to play with my family. My Daddy or brother would just stand outside my door, and smart Mafia would get so jumpy n excited - both of them behind a thin glass door hoping to play with each other. So cute. Everyone talks to him, like how we talk to a small baby. Sadly, it's just that lovely Mafia of his own calibre has no dog friends. As much as we think it is unhealthy as there is no outside interaction, I would love to bring him out for more walks n maybe a day or two at some Dogs' Cafe. I'm willing to sacrifice my time for Mafia, just to make him happier...
I don't understand why do people abuse dogs, or other little animals... They are innocent and harmful. All they ask for is love and to take care of them. I just watched another cruel video of a bastard abusing a toy poodle and it broke my heart. I knew I shouldn't watch any more of such videos because I'd get very angry and heart-broken. Till now, I'm still weeping away... If I were right there, I swear I would do the same thing back to him as what he did to the poor poodle. I mean, why would people do such a thing? Are their hearts made of cold hard stone? I don't understand...
Hi there, you retake english as private candidate right? :) Just to check if it's possible to retake only English for Olevels, cause I heard some people say min.3 subjects, and I'm abit lost.. And how much did you pay for it? Hope you'll reply, thanks!!!!!
Hey nope I did retake English as a subject cos I kept wanting to do better. It should be 1xx. Check SEAB website! All the best!
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