For the past few nights, we spent some good time with Bryan and Vincent. Went drinking after a good supper with Bryan. I was knocked out when I reached home... After a while, we still enjoyed going into M'sia to spend time with Vincent, with just some tea here and there. It was funny the way he cheered me up, despite the fact that my boy was being such a turd right beside. But after a good cry and some laughter, we managed to get even closer than before. Such a shame whenever we had to let anger get over our head. However angry I might be, I still must consider the fact that he's been so wonderful to me and I can never find another him in others. On the 16th this month, he actually took all the effort to find all the Snoopy that I wanted. First was a Snoopy bolster. Then was a red one that caught my attention even though we were talking unhappily over the line. The third one was a pink one that both of us saw on a toy vending machine. I was rather grumpy when we couldn't get it and seeing how sad I was, (that was what he said) he blurted out something that immediately got me mad. Well I was, and do you have any idea what he actually said? He was like "okay I'll get it for you don't worry else we won't get married at all" Boy was I super pissed that I began fucking the shit out of him. "how could you take our marriage so easily? it's just a toy, i don't need it... get away" He was like laughing all the way and omg, trust me, I almost punched him right in the face. That night, he took me to a place with a beautiful view up on top of the trees. Not only that, he did present the pink Snoopy plush to me. So, the curse is broken, and we can get married...?

Right so being a puppy with everyone celebrating his 2nd birthday with a special cake edible for both him and us, with a huge jar of cookies and other food, what else more can he ask for? I can say he's quite fortunate already... In a while's time, we are all going down to throw a small party for the little one. Can't wait

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