June 30, 2010

Welcome July in one day's time. I'm sitting on my bed, crossed legged. Books and magazine cast adrift all around me. There was a half jar of bird nest Mom gave to me. I finished it up in 3 gulps. Scratching this mosquito bite I got since this morning. Wait I can't remember, or was it from last night? I hate mosquito bites. Many times, I'd use my short nails to press against them and form an 'X' or a star. I am lame, leave me alone. Hmm, class was still bearable for the fact that lessons are 10-1pm everyday now. Only that I get so drained after class, all of my energy are literally sucked out of me. I was stuck in a bad jam for 1.5 hours today. Holy shit I entered the expressway at 9am but reached class at exactly 11. Great. I was that close to falling asleep but I decided to wake myself up by starting on this "life threatening pearls from those bubble tea" topic with my lecturer. It was otu of nowhere. Anyway I really dislike those pearls. A few times, I almost choked on them, silly little round ones. Spent a good day killing zombies with my crappy classmates. They are really loud people, they talk much about childish stuff. But in a positive way, these behaviors of them perk me up, and do make me feel younger everyday too. On days like the weekends, or occasionally when I'm simply too lazy to get out of bed, I'll tend to feel more mature with the company of my boyfriend. We do bicker over nonsense, but not till that worse extent though. I wonder if the feeling of being younger is a better thing, or do I really like to be mature? Of course there are some others who tend to be quieter and observe more in class, also those who like to pretend they are Oh So Smart with a pair of geek specs and with all the jargons and stuff. No no it's all redundant. Why do you need to come to class with a fake attitude, smile, accent, behavior - all fake? It's pointless cos we do not care about all that at the end, at least to me. I'll rather pay attention to every speck of dust on the floor than to look out for those who are good at showing off. This is one of my idiosyncrasies though; to watch out for little funny things like pretending my eyes were microscopes and scanning for barely visible dust, or finding ants then assuming my whole body was turning itchy

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